Mike Loves Nutritious Salad
At Eisberg, our employees are the heart of what we do. In this employee story, we get to know a very special employee: Mike Häfeli. As CEO of Eisberg Group and Managing Director of Eisberg Switzerland, Mike plays a key role in shaping the company's vision and development for sustainable success. Learn, how his mindset guides him in his role and why he prefers to eat his salad enriched with other ingredients.

Mike, you have been CEO of Eisberg since 1 January 2024 and have also taken over the management of Eisberg Switzerland since 1 January 2025. How would you describe your role?
I consider my role to be a good role model, working with the management team to align the Eisberg organisation for sustainable success and to support the organization whenever I can support and add value.
Can you summarize your experience working at Eisberg in a single word?
Roller Coaster, in various respects.
Firstly, from an economic perspective, because on the one hand we have locations that are overperforming, on the other hand, we have locations that are struggling to get on the road to success. It requires very different levels of support, from the group and that the entire team is behind it.
Secondly, with regard to my introduction: the cool thing was that I really got to see every corner in my first year, both at Bell Food Group and at Eisberg. I was at each site several times and got to meet lots of people. Of course, that was extremely interesting on the one hand, but also challenging on the other, as it shows that we are a manifold Eisberg so far, not yet ONE Eisberg, and there are various tasks that arise from that.
What part of your work do you like most? And is there a particular experience or memory that has stuck in your mind?
I like visiting the production facilities very much: Either when I’m travelling and am able to go on production tours there or when I can walk through the production facilities here locally with the colleagues who show me around. I really like that because it brings me into contact with exactly what makes us successful: Firstly, the products and secondly, of course, the employees who manufacture our products – with safety and dedication – so that we end up with products that appeal to our customers and consumers.
Travelling is also part of it, I have always enjoyed travelling; this is combined with visiting the production sites.
A memorable moment? The very first trip for and with Eisberg was a special moment. I was travelling with two members of the management team shortly after I started at Eisberg. I had my Eisberg jacket on at the airport and my companions looked at me a bit strangely because I was travelling with the Eisberg jacket. It’s quite natural for me to obviously represent the company when I’m travelling. I like doing that and I think it’s cool.
But basically, there were various themes and cool moments throughout my first year at Eisberg. The roller coaster I mentioned earlier…
Do you have a motto that characterises you and accompanies you in both your business and private life?
I think the answer to this question varies depending on the life situation… What is basically my conviction, which I have tried to pass on to my children and which is also important to me in the working environment: I often hear that you can’t, you shouldn’t, you mustn’t. I believe that nothing is impossible. Instead of hearing what we can’t do, I’m a fan of thinking about what we can do and what we can achieve.
To put it in a nutshell: there’s nothing that can’t be done, you just have to try and you have to stand up for it.
Eisberg’s motto is: “Everyone Loves Salad”. Are you a salad lover too? What’s Your relationship to salads? And what’s your favourite salad/salad mix?
I have a mixed relationship with salad. One the one hand, I love the freshness of salad and I actually became a salad eater with Eisberg. But because I do a lot of sport, it’s a challenge to top up my carbohydrate and protein levels, so for me salad always has to be accompanied by extras with additional nutritional value.
My favourite salad is our bowl ‘Berlin’ produced in our western-swiss location Essert. That brings out the Swiss in me as it’s got Cervelat in it, the Swiss sausage. It provides me with some of the protein I mentioned earlier…🙂
What was the most interesting/exciting/crazy salad combination you’ve had?
The most interesting or unusual salad combination… I’ll have to think about that… I travelled a lot internationally in my previous life and always ate everything, including very local food. That’s why I don’t even know exactly what was there and can’t name it. I probably ate the most unusual combination in China, as there is a lot on the plate in China that is not familiar to us. In addition to meat, the Chinese also eat a lot of greens.
If you could describe yourself with a salad or salad mix, what type you would be?
Wow, the salad would have to be invented first… (laughs…) based on my personality and because I pay attention to a balanced diet it would have to be a diverse mix of ingredients that complement each other. I’d want it to include nuts for added texture, protein sources like meat, bread croutons for carbohydrates, and fresh veggies like tomatoes and carrots. According to the evaluations/assessments I’ve had in the past: Just like my salad, I’m a mix of different qualities – a bit of everything, without extremes. That’s why I’d describe myself as mixed salad, where you find a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and freshness all in one.
What’s your favourite past time activity? What are your hobbies?
This is relatively simple. Most people would expect sport. But no, it’s time with my family, that’s really everything for me!
What is your favourite colour?
My favourite colour? (Thinking…) As a child, it was always blue. I don’t think it has ever changed. I like blue. Unfortunately, it’s not the colour of any lettuce and we only really have blue in blueberries matching my favourite colour. But I like them lots.
How do you Colour Your Life?
How do I bring colour into my life? That’s an interesting question.
Speaking of colours itself: I still don’t do enough; I don’t consciously bring colours into my life. I try to add splashes of colour, both at home and on the wall in my office, for example. When I buy a new bike, I make sure it’s not just black or white, but possibly bright red or yellow. I look for a few things that stand out. I try to have splashes of colour in tools that I see again and again.
When we talk about ‘Colour Your Life’ in a figurative sense: I don’t explicitly take the time to bring colour into my life. I believe it’s because I have a very colourful life. I have many facets in my life, I have also had difficult experiences, had many beautiful moments, travelled the world, seen the world, have diversity in my private life, have a diverse family, can experience both Swiss and Italian family culture. I have the feeling that I have a lot of variety. I am happy with the figurative colour that I have in my life.